Romantic Novelists' Association

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Queenie Malone’s Paradise Hotel

September 2018: New Releases

...whether home is where her heart has been all along.   Kathleen McGurl: The Drowned Village dual timeline – part historical part contemporary HQ Paperback and digital 20th September 2018...

Pernille Hughes: Smartphones And Swoony Kisses

...of her gorgeous, mystery rescuer. Back home, Jen faces a choice. A surprise proposal from her boyfriend, ‘boring’ Robert has offered Jen the safety net she always thought she wanted....

Clare Ashton: Romance Between Women Who Love Women

...feels forbidden because of the ice-queen’s natural froideur and distance. One of the best-selling authors in the genre, Melissa Brayden, has two in this category: First Position and my personal...

Meet The Contenders For The Fantasy Romantic Novel Award 2020

...Paradise Hotel. Tilly was heartbroken when her mother sent her away from the only home she’d ever loved with little explanation and no warning. Now an adult, Tilda returns to...

Juliet Greenwood – The Girl With The Silver Clasp

...her ambition of becoming a renowned silversmith in 1920s Cornwall, when women still weren’t expected to follow a profession, let alone become successful entrepreneurs and leaders in their field. The...

Ask An Industry Expert: Sara-jade Virtue

...list – and we have always strongly encouraged authors of all ages, races, colours, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, social circumstances and disability statuses to submit their manuscripts to us...

Ruth Frances Long: Writing Fantasy

...everywhere. In the case of The Queen’s Wing, I read a book called Queens Consort by Lisa Hilton, in which each chapter examined the lives of a medieval queen of...

Meet The RNA Team – Ann Evans

...Carroll was my first inspirational author because my maiden name was Carroll, and when I spotted Alice in Wonderland in the library, I was amazed and excited that there was...

November Releases 2017

...ebook Silverhart Publishing 4th November 2017 Social media darling, Ella Cassidy, has a secret from her past that she’s afraid will ruin all she’s worked for and reawaken the nightmares...

August 2018: New Releases.

...Grace try to rebuild their lives far from home in London. A surprise financial inheritance and gift of a beautiful silver Rolls Royce leads them to set up in business...

Emma Jackson: My First Six Months As A Published Author she’s enjoying being a newly published author. Emma, what have you learnt in the first six months since you’ve been published? I signed my first publishing contract in September...