Romantic Novelists' Association

Ellie Carson has left her city job to move to an abandoned farm in Sweetingfield, only to discover that living the rural dream is a nightmare. Her cosy flat has been replaced by a fourth-hand caravan in a field, and her boyfriend has joined time and money, and run out.

Ellie is heartbroken and believes that she will never be able to trust anyone again, but she faces financial ruin if she can’t renovate a cottage on the farm in time for the summer holidays… and she can’t do that job alone. Can she trust her fellow villagers to help, and if she does, what about Dan, the villager known to his friends as The Player?

Dan is strikingly good looking and full of fun. Ellie assumes that he is shallower than a paddling pool, but is she so blinded by Dan’s looks that she fails to see the true beauty beneath?