Romantic Novelists' Association

Four friends, four secrets, one explosive weekend that tests their friendship

Four girlfriends in their late 30’s, go away for a weekend break. Each has a secret that unfolds over the weekend that could change their lives and relationships forever. They each think each other’s life is in order, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Vivienne is a highly successful businesswoman married to a rich, well-connected man in Dublin. She wants out of her marriage. Helen is a stressed-out stay-at-home mum to four boys who has taken to drinking herself to sleep every night to deal with her problems. Clara binge eats because she is fed up with her life. She has had to quit a job she loved to look after her son with additional needs but is miserable and her husband wants another baby. Miriam is single. She has longed for a baby, but Mr Right never showed up. She announces to her shocked friends that she is 5 months pregnant. They have no idea that the father of her child is one of their husbands.
Helen gets drunk and knocks Miriam down the stairs, sending her to A& E. Viviene meets her solicitor and the attraction is immediate. She secretly meets up with him and ends up in his bed. Clara decides to get her life back. They each confide that they are struggling and vow to stick together and help and support each other. Back home, Miriam is still sleeping with Helen’s husband. On her way to meet the women, she has a car accident and dies but the baby survives. Helen finds out that her husband is the father and insists he look after the child. Helen falls in love with the baby and names her Miriam so that her husband never forgets his betrayal and to remember their friend who was trying her best.