Romantic Novelists' Association

Emma Bennet – Falling In Love At Nightingale Farm

24 March 2023

Cover of bookWe are delighted that you could join us to talk about your new release. Could you tell us a little more about it? Hello, and thank you for having me. My latest release is a feel-good contemporary romance called Falling in Love at Nightingale Farm.  Here’s the blurb:

‘Polly Pressman is a London girl through and through. So when she’s asked to help save an old family friend’s struggling farm, she’s way out of her depth.

 She arrives at Nightingale Farm trying to impress John and his gruff-but-hunky son Mark with her business know-how. But it’s clear from her sky-high stilettos that she is woefully unprepared.

 Polly knows how much the farm means to John, and she’s doing everything she can to get it back on its feet. Soon people are flocking to visit the petting zoo and cute coffee shop and go strawberry picking.

 Finally Mark sees that Polly truly cares about Nightingale Farm. And one night after too much of John’s homemade cider, the pair find themselves alone and unable to deny their attraction . . .

 Romance is blossoming at Nightingale Farm. Will Polly trust her instincts and leave behind the big city for good?’

 What was the inspiration behind your book? What prompted you to tell this story? I just loved the idea of a city girl completely out of place in the country, but trying to prove herself and help the struggling farm, even though she’s lost all faith in herself. Add in a handsome farmer who thinks she’s nothing but a hindrance, and how could I not help her out with a happy ending?

I think I was inspired by some of the pickles I’ve found myself in since moving from London to rural Wales nearly twenty years ago. I’ve ended up lost on mountains, returning lambs to their mothers, going for walks with a goat, and removing sheep from my garden pond amongst other adventures!

How long did the book take to write? How much re-writing do you normally do? I think this book took about a year to write, which included five drafts. I don’t do a huge amount of rewriting, it’s more tweaking and adding in details after the first draft, which I try to make as complete as possible. There were a couple of small issues that I had to iron out during structural edits, but nothing major.

What is your writing day like? I don’t write full time but my most productive writing period is usually between about 3 and 6 pm. I write in our dining room as I’m nosey and don’t like to miss out on anything! I’m most productive when I’m writing during live writing sprints for my YouTube channel (, which I do for 3 hours at least twice a week. I do try to write something every day, and I also like to read a chapter or two from a writing craft book daily.

Who were your favourite childhood authors? I absolutely adored Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books (and still do actually) and Enid Blyton’s stories, but especially The Enchanted Wood series and anything set in a boarding school!

Can you tell us what you are working on now? At the moment I’m working on the second draft of a manuscript with the working title Centre Stage. It stars Jessica, a ballerina obsessed with her career and unable to envisage a life without it. When Jessica breaks her foot she’s forced to re-evaluate everything, including her relationship with her ex-schoolfriend, Nathan.

The first draft of this manuscript was written during National Novel Writing Month last November and I hope it will be published later this year.

About the author
Woman with long blonde hair, glasses and hat outside in green spaceEmma grew up and lived in London, before falling in love and moving to Wales to marry her own hero. Emma now lives with her husband and four children in a small Welsh market town. She can often be found in rivers attempting to control two overexcited chocolate Labradors, whose snoring features in many of her YouTube videos.Emma likes (in no particular order): cake, books, Cary Grant films, coffee, chocolate, guinea pigs, knitting, quilting, and happily ever afters!

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