Finalists: The Jane Wenham-Jones Award for Romantic Comedy 2024
19 May 2024
Congratulations to all the finalists for the Romantic Comedy award 2024! For romantic novels which are consistently funny. Can be set in any time period.

Julia Boggio for Chasing the Light:
We all say that awards don’t mean anything, but when you get nominated for one, it means everything! And this award absolutely does mean everything to me. Francesca’s story is so deeply personal for me and I’m glad that it’s resonating with readers. It felt like a bit of a risk writing a romantic comedy that covers topics like fertility and chronic pain and a character who is as flawed as Francesca, but the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to the judges, to all of the readers, and to the RNA for the nomination.

Farah Heron for Jana Goes Wild:
I am so honoured that Jana Goes Wild was shortlisted for the Romantic Comedy Award! Jana Goes Wild is my love letter to Tanzania, the country where my parents were raised and where I have spent my most memorable vacations. I am delighted that my story about an introverted woman learning to love herself while falling love on the African Savannah resonated with so many readers.
Twitter: @FarahHeron
Instagram: @farahheronauthor

Niamh Hargan for The Break-Up Clause:
I’m so thrilled and surprised to be nominated for the romantic comedy award at this year’s RNA awards. It’s wonderful to know that The Break-Up Clause resonated with readers, and I’m much looking forward to celebrating alongside all of this year’s nominees.

Maxine Morrey for You’ve Got This:
I’m slightly stunned and absolutely thrilled to be shortlisted. There are loads of brilliant books out there so I know it’s really tough competition and it’s fantastic to be recognised in this way. I really am totally over the moon!
Instagram: @scribbler_maxi

Sophia Money-Coutts for Looking Out for Love:
In an age when there still exists a tiresome snobbery about romantic fiction, it feels especially encouraging and cheering to be up for this award. I’m pleased as punch and enormously grateful to the association for continuing to champion a genre which we all know is better than the others. Thank you SO much.