Romantic Novelists' Association

Introducing The New RNA Social Media Co-ordinator

22 November 2017

Hello! For those of you who don’t know me already, I’ve been a member of the RNA for the past four
years. I joined the New Writers’ Scheme initially, after lots of other writers
recommended it to me. I’ve loved every minute of being on the Scheme, and
have learnt so much as well. During those four years, I’ve self-published two
contemporary romance novels, with some more on the way, and as a result, I’m just about to graduate from
the Scheme to become a full, independent member of the RNA.
I thoroughly enjoy being a member of the RNA and have thrown
myself into the social life it offers its members with great enthusiasm,
attending conferences, parties, afternoon teas and chapter meetings all around
the country. I’ve also been very lucky to make lots of new friends as a
result of being a member, something I didn’t expect to be doing at this stage
in my life. I love the way the RNA welcomes everyone as equals, so newbies
can find themselves talking to big names, and mixing with writers and
publishing folk at all different stages of their careers.
In my life outside writing, I work part-time for a local
charity as their communications officer, overseeing their marketing, PR, social
media and website activities. I also work freelance as a proofreader, website
trouble-shooter and occasional supply teacher – a real Jill-of-all-trades! I
live with my husband in Bedfordshire. We have two daughters; one is now away at
university and the other is studying for her ‘A’ levels.
Since autumn 2016, I have been supporting Adrienne Vaughan,
as deputy editor of Romance Matters, the RNA’s wonderful magazine, and now I’m
taking on the role of social media co-ordinator, with responsibility for the
blog, Twitter and the RNA’s Facebook page. Elaine Everest has done a sterling
job for the past five years, and we’re all very grateful to her and her wonderful team for raising the
RNA’s profile in that time.
I have a great blog team to support me and we’re planning
to keep blogging two or three times a week, with a mixture of regular blog
posts about your favourite items – competitions, new releases, interviews with
book reviewers and authors – as well as news items as and when they
crop up, and some new ideas too. If you have any ideas for features you’d like to see, please do let me
know and we will do our best to bring the subject to you.

I look forward to taking on the blog completely from Alison May in the
New Year, and to taking it from strength to strength as we move forward. Thank
you for all the support you have shown the blog in the past – I hope you will
continue to do so for many years to come.

My latest book The Vineyard in Alsace is available now.
Is there really such a thing as a second chance at love?

Fran Schell has only just become engaged when she finds her fiancé in bed with another woman. She knows this is the push she needs to break free of him and to leave London. She applies for her dream job on a vineyard in Alsace, in France, not far from her family home, determined to concentrate on her work.

Didier Le Roy can hardly believe it when he sees that the only person to apply for the job on his vineyard is the same woman he once loved but let go because of his stupid pride. Now estranged from his wife, he longs for a second chance with Fran if only she will forgive him for not following her to London.

Working so closely together, Fran soon starts to fall in love with Didier all over again. Didier knows that it is now time for him to move on with his divorce if he and Fran are ever to have a future together. Can Fran and Didier make their second chance at love work despite all the obstacles in their way? 

A romantic read set against the enticing backdrop of the vineyard harvest in France.

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