Romantic Novelists' Association

Launching RNA Learning

8 April 2020

Since becoming a full-time writer 5 years ago Jean Fullerton has served on the RNA’s committee and is now the Association’s Education lead and has oversight of both the NWS, Chapters and the Annual Conference. It was in the capacity last autumn in conjunction with Janet Gover, the NWS organiser and the association Vice chair she started work developing the RNA’s very own on-line workshops which are now being rolled out. Jean’s popped onto the blog today to tell us all about launching RNA Learning.

Thanks, Karen. One of the outstanding achievements of the RNA in the last 60 years has been the wonderful New Writers’ Scheme. It is unique and much loved by those of us who are graduates of it. It exemplifies the spirit of encouragement and practical help that is the RNA’s greatest strength.

However, the RNA is not an organisation that rests on its laurels and to that end since last autumn myself, as the RNA’s Education Officer, Janet Gover, our NWS Organiser and generous technical whizz and Immi Howson, our Vice Chair have been working on a new educational strand.

To that end we have developed RNA Learning, the RNA’s new online workshop initiative which is being inaugurated as part of the RNA’s Diamond celebrations.

I’m thrilled to say that Janet Gover has agreed to lead the pilot scheme running in May. If that goes well, which I have no doubt it will, there’ll be more online courses available in the Autumn.

The development of RNA Learning also enhances the RNA’s commitment to widen participation as courses are accessible to people who can’t make physical events and workshops.

The plan is for a curated selection of tutors to cover topics of interest for writers at all stages of their careers and courses will be open to RNA members and non-members alike.

Each course is likely to be available for one month so participants can work at their own speed. There are no special technical skills or equipment needed – just the internet. If you can post a tweet or watch a cat video online, you have what it takes to do the course.

Once the pilot has been completed and evaluated we will share details of how you can apply to tutor later in the year.

Course 1.

Taking the Plunge – Submitting your novel to an agent or editor.

*** For this pilot course only, the cost is discounted to £45 for RNA members and £65 for non-members ***

You’ve written, rewritten, edited and edited again. Now your book is ready – but how do you get it out there into the world?

For those planning the traditional route to a publishing career, this course looks at how to catch the attention of an agent or editor in the best possible way.  You will emerge from this course with a ready to go submission pack.

For those wishing to submit to publishers and agents, this course covers writing an agent letter and synopsis, proper MS formatting, researching who and what to send. We’ll also look at dealing with rejection, and what to expect if you are successful.

Topics are:


Each week’s lesson will include a short video, a written handout and exercise. Feedback will be given on each exercise and there will be online text chats. Each week’s material will take under an hour to review. Exercises will take as long as you wish to devote to them. This course would be of most benefit to attendees who have a book ready, or almost ready for submission.

In the highly competitive publishing world, agents and editors are looking for a reason to say ‘Yes’ to your submission. This course will help you give your book the very best chance of success.

You can read more and BOOK YOUR PLACE on the course here.

About the Tutor

Janet Gover is the RNA’s NWS organiser, a RoNA award winner and a well-regarded writing tutor. She is also part of the RNA’s education team.  She has 13 published books – number 14 is on the way.

In preparing this course, she has drawn on her own experiences, and on discussions with agents and editors. In her ‘other life’ she is a qualified IT trainer with a specialty in online training. She hastens to add that that no special IT skills or equipment are needed to join this course.