Romantic Novelists' Association

New Releases: January 2020

7 January 2020

January Releases 2020

Jill Barry: Home to Misty Mountain

Ulverscroft Linford Romance
Large Print Paperback
1st January 2020

UK-born Hayley Collins is visiting Australia, staying with a friend and looking for work. Craig Maxwell runs a holiday resort at Misty Mountain, a four-hour drive from Melbourne. When Hayley applies to be an administrator at the resort, Craig takes her on – and much else besides. She has to return to England in twelve months. He’s engaged to a woman whose father is helping to keep the resort’s finances in the black. So when Hayley and Craig fall in love, it seems a future together is only a distant dream…



Jan Jones: A Practical Arrangement

Regency Romance
1st January 2020

The culmination of the Furze House Irregulars series!
When Benedict Fitzgilbert’s sister’s enforced absence from London exposes him to Society husband-hunters, she suggests he and her friend Julia Congreve pretend an attachment as a practical arrangement to keep the Marriage Mart off his back. But beautiful Julia is the epitome of a society butterfly, and Benedict is far too focused on hunting for the criminal mastermind known as ‘Flint’ to waste time on a masquerade. Unfortunately, the only way to distract Flint from the net closing stealthily around him is to make their arrangement appear real.
A Practical Arrangement is the eighth Newmarket Regency by Jan Jones. It is also the fourth and final story in the Furze House Irregulars series featuring women of spirit, women of courage, women who don’t see why, in this male-dominated Regency era, they should not also play their part in bringing wrong-doers to justice.



Jessica Redland: Making Wishes at Bay View

Contemporary Romance
Boldwood Books
eBook, Paperback, Audio
14th January 2020

Never give up on a wish for a happy ever after…
Callie Derbyshire has it all: her dream job as a carer at Bay View, finally she has found the love of her life. Everything is perfect.
Well, almost. Ex-partners are insistent on stirring up trouble, and Callie’s favourite resident, Ruby, hasn’t been her usual self.
But after discovering the truth about Ruby’s lost love, Callie is determined to give Ruby’s romantic story the happy ending it deserves. After all, it’s never too late to let love in again. Or is it?




Catherine Curzon and Eleanor Harkstead: The Captain and the Squire

contemporary m/m romcom
ebook, paperback
14th January

(Captivating Captains #5)
When sexy city boy joins forces with a country squire against a scheming local hotshot, a little rural corner of England sees the hottest summer it’s ever known.






Janet Gover: The Lawson Sisters

Family Saga / Romance
Harper Collins (Australia)
Paperback, E-book, Audio Book.
20th January 2020

For years Elizabeth Lawson has battled alone to run the family’s historic horse stud in memory of her beloved father. But a devastating loss forces Liz to turn to her estranged sister Kayla for help. Kayla has built a new life in the city. She never planned to go back, but she wants to save her childhood home. Their reunion forces Liz to confront her past … and her future, in the shape of Mitch, her first and only love, who still watches over her from the other side of the creek. But Liz hides a terrible secret. When Kayla finds out, will old wounds heal, or will the Lawson sisters be driven apart again?




Margaret Kaine: A Life of Secrets
Romantic Historical Fiction
Hardback and ebook
Allison & Busby
23 January 2020

Deploring social injustice, Lady Deborah Claremont opens a staffing agency, concealing the fact that she’s a member of the aristocracy. But Deborah has become accustomed to keeping secrets. It began eight years ago in 1918 when her dashing French lieutenant was tragically killed. Amid an undercurrent of social unrest and with the General Strike looming ahead, Deborah meets two very different men, handsome Theodore Field, MP and the charismatic union firebrand Evan Morgan. Deborah is torn between her feelings for Theo and the magnetism between herself and Evan. But then she is astounded by a mystery, one she is desperate to solve. And when its explosive secret is revealed she discovers that she has been both manipulated and betrayed…





Jennifer Bohnet: A Riviera Retreat

Womans fiction
Boldwood Books
E-book, paperback, audio
23rd January
Take time out to find what makes you happy…
When Retreat owner Amy offers three lucky competition winners a holiday on the Cote d’Azur, she has no idea that this act of kindness will have life changing repercussions on her own life and those who join her…
Over the course of the ten days they spend together, the four women, despite their differences, support and bond, making memories and forming friendships that will last for years.





AnneMarie Brear: Prue

AnneMarie Brear
ebook and paperback
January 23rd 2020

Some adventures come with a price…
Book 2 in the Marsh Saga series!








Jill Mansell: It Started With a Secret

Women’s contemporary fiction.
23rd Jan 2020

A beautiful Cornish setting, a chaotic family, a woman who’s had enough of romance – or has she?
‘IT STARTED WITH A SECRET is like a little blast of sunshine – uplifting, heartwarming and supremely feelgood’ Sophie Kinsella, author of CHRISTMAS SHOPAHOLIC
The trouble with secrets is that you can’t guess what the consequences will be . . .





Joanna Maitland, Sophie Weston: I Hate Christmas,

1) Time-slip

2) romantic suspense
Libertà Books
Kindle ebook

2-in-1 box set: Two men who don’t do Christmas; one woman who does, but not in the way she really wants; one woman who plain dreads it. The antidote to Christmas schmalz.






Georgia Hill: On a Falling Tide

Historical romance/timeslip
BLKDOG Publishing
e-pub and paperback


Two women. Connected by heartbreak. Separated in time. Can Charity save the man she loves or will Lydia’s vengeful spirit prove too strong?








Sharon Ibbotson: Hanukkah at the Great Greenwich Ice Creamery

Holiday romance/contemporary Jewish romance
Choc Lit
E-book and audio

Cohen Ford is a man who could do with a little bit of sweetening up. It’s no surprise that when he walks into The Great Greenwich Ice Creamery on a typically gloomy London day before Christmas, he insists on a black coffee rather than his childhood favourite – strawberry ice cream.
But then he meets River de Luca, the woman behind the flavours. After their first encounter, Cohen begins visiting the ice creamery every Tuesday, gradually learning more about the intriguing River. Could her influence encourage cynical Cohen to become the man who embraces Christmas, Hanukkah and even strawberry ice cream?





New Releases are brought to you every month by Sheila Riley, author of The Orphan Daughter. Sheila has been a member of the RNA since 2003, a member of the Society Of Authors, published by Boldwood and represented by Felicity Trew’ Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency.