Romantic Novelists' Association

The RNA Industry Awards 2017 Celebrate Those Who Champion Romantic Fiction

16 November 2017


London: 15 November 2017 The Romantic Novelists’ Association’s (RNA)
is delighted to announce the winners of its annual industry awards, which this
year feature the addition of a new category, Librarian of the Year. This new award recognises the important work
that librarians do in supporting the romantic fiction genre, and the Association
in particular. Six awards were presented during the RNA’s Winter Party, held in
the Library at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in London.
Librarian of the Year
Shirley Everall, Librarian of the Year
Shirley Everall, Librarian of the Year
The inaugural award was presented to Shirley Everall, Audience Development Officer, Hertfordshire
Libraries, for hosting a great number of events
for RNA members, and promoting romantic fiction in Hertfordshire Libraries.
Runner-up Rachel Gee, from Tiverton Library, was nominated for her continual support and proactivity in promoting romantic fiction.
Romantic Bookseller of the Year
Kearan Ramful, Sainsbury’s
This award recognises
booksellers promoting and championing romantic fiction in a positive and
proactive way throughout the year. This year’s winner, Kearan Ramful, book buyer for Sainsbury’s Plc, was awarded the
title for his continuing support for romantic fiction by selecting many
romantic titles for Sainsbury’s stores. 

was David Headley and team at Goldsboro

Best Adaptation of a Romantic
Debbie Horsfield
The award for best adaptation of a romantic
novel, whether for stage, screen (TV or movie) or radio goes to Debbie Horsfield for Poldark Series 3
(BBC TV).  The adaptation must have been
broadcast/screened from September 2016 through to the end of September 2017, at
any time and for any duration.  After
three series, Poldark remains a fantastic series with stunning scenery,
excellent casting, and still stays close to the original text. It is one of
those can’t-be-missed programmes, with a charismatic but flawed hero and
Runner-up was Whit Stillman and Jane Austen for Love
and Friendship, a film based on Jane Austen’s novella.
Media Star of the Year
Blogger Linda Hill was
awarded Media Star of the Year for her continued
support for romance novels through retweeting, reviewing and blogging. Friendly
and professional, even when her TBR pile is overflowing, she’ll take more books
on, going above and beyond the call of duty, and all with a smile. This
award recognises those who have helped raise the profile of romance writing
and/or the RNA in a positive way.  
Kaisha Holloway was runner-up and
was nominated for her great support for authors and her honest, detailed and
reflective reviews which are constructively critical.
Agent of the Year
Broo Doherty, DHH Literary Agency
For the literary
agent who has striven to support, mentor, nurture and promote their authors’
careers, the genre in general and the RNA in particular. This year’s winner, Broo Doherty, DHH Literary Agency, was
nominated for her championing of romantic fiction and support for the RNA. With
a list featuring several authors in the genre, she provides guidance and great
support to her clients, being honest and tactful, as well as kind, supportive
and savvy about romantic fiction. 

Runner-up Rebecca
, AM Heath Agency, was
nominated for her dedication, warmth and genuine
passion for the genre. A great editor and all-round fantastic partner, a great
listener, offering wise words and sound advice.
Publisher of the Year
Charlotte Ledger, Publisher of the Year
For the publisher who embraces the genre, mentors
writers to produce their best work, and is innovative, creative and visionary
in the marketing and promotion of romantic fiction on every level.  This year’s award goes to Charlotte Ledger, HarperImpulse, for her tireless championing of
romance novels at Harper Collins, giving many debut novelists their first
break. Open and honest, she provides transparent dealings with those authors
under her wing and many nominated her, citing that working with Charlotte is a team
effort, and she has a real personal touch when it comes to developing writers’
Runner-up was DC Thompson,
a stalwart and steady publisher of a great
number of members over the years. Both The People’s Friend and My Weekly
magazines have pocket novel imprints and their editors have mentored and published
RNA members over many years, following a long tradition of nurturing writers of

The RNA Industry Awards
are decided by the membership, with every member eligible to nominate within
each category. The awards were presented at the RNA’s Winter Party at the
Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Birdcage Walk, London on 15th
November 2017. 
Photos from the event will be available on The Romantic Novelists’ Association’s website in due course.
For further information please contact:

Or Katrina Power 07 963 962 538 or 
About the Romantic Novelists’ Association

The RNA was formed in 1960 to promote romantic
fiction and encourage good writing and now represents more than 900 writers,
agents, editors and other publishing professionals.