Romantic Novelists' Association

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Seven Writers, Seven Novels

...follows the publishing journeys of seven authors all with very diverse career paths. ‘Seven Writers, Seven Novels’ follows the lives of seven authors each with a book coming out this...

Joan Hessayon Award 2021 – Meet The Contenders 2

...been helped and supported by the fantastic organisation FASD Awareness, and in particular by its co-founder, Tracy Allen, who has been incredibly generous with her time, expertise, and encouragement. Writing...

Jean Fullerton: Romance Is A Feminist Issue.

...spy network or been sent to a space station, so who’s fantasising? And if Mr Darcy or Ross Poldark has given women unrealistic expectations of men then I suggest men...

July 2018: Competition Monthly

Entering writing competitions has many benefits, even when you’re in the middle of writing that novel. Sometimes it can be hard to get a competition entry written when you’re up...

Jo Allen: From Romance To Crime

...fiction, co-written with Catherine Curzon, spans WW1 to the present day and is published by Pride. The Ghost Garden, the first installment in historical paranormal series The de Chastelaine Chronicles,...

Ask An Industry Expert: Marina De Pass

...Agency was founded in 2019, bringing together two leading agencies with long-term reputations: the literary agency LAW (Lucas Alexander Whitley) and TV and digital agency Factual Management. Theatrical agent Helen...

Callie Langridge: Unearth Treasures In Archives

...a multi-generational story spanning the 1930s to the 1980s, including a story thread set in Second World War London. Access to historical records has been crucial in my research. Each...

Redditch Library

Goldsboro Books

Linda Tyler: The Laird’s Secret

...has made an enemy of Helen, who wants Alex for herself. The glamorous Helen sets out to drive a wedge between Christina and Alex, with dramatic consequences. What was the...

A. L. Lester – The Fog Of War reading the book! About the Author Ally Lester writes queer, paranormal, historical, romantic suspense and lives in the South West of England with Mr AL, two children, Morris the...

Celebration For The Woolworth Girls By Elaine Everest: Author Interview

...many of her books are set. She has been a freelance writer for twenty-seven years and has written widely for women’s magazines and national newspapers, with both short stories and...