Romantic Novelists' Association

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Ask An Industry Expert: Hannah Schofield

...the royalty terms, but also pitching their marketing and editorial plans) until one emerges victorious and signs up the author. It’s very nerve-wracking and exciting for all involved!   And...

Ruth Frances Long: Writing Fantasy

...their lady, travelling to strange worlds, battling monsters and encountering wonders and terrors. Perhaps this is why they still appeal and appeal so widely. We all love a really good...

March 2021: Competition Monthly your comping endeavours.   Click February 21 for posts detailing further competitions closing in April.   * Closing soon Flash 500 Flash Fiction Competition Theme: Open, 500 words max...

Ask An Industry Expert: Dominic Brendon

...genres work well as Audio. Although Audio has been around for a long time, it has only exploded in the last 5-10 years in its digital format. Back when I...

Sasha Greene & Nancy Peach – Dealing With Difficult Topics In Romance far we’ve come in the last 10 years. It also meant that positive stories about everyday characters struggling with mental health issues but doing their best to get on...

Leonie Mack: Italy Ever After! The names of my characters I think I do unconsciously pinch from various people I’ve met over the years, although the characters are not based on anyone real! So,...

Marketing & Me By Suzanne Snow

...‘local’ feel to appeal to potential local readers. Anna was a great support leading up to my first online book launch and agreed to act as host, guiding me through...

Natalie Kleinman. The Reluctant Bride they always do, becoming ‘real‘ people and inspiring me onwards. Sometimes I’m able to rein them in but mostly they take me where they will. I blame them entirely....

A Gentleman In Love – Arabella Sheen Linked to my website is Arabella’s Blog and Chit-Chat. Over several years, I’ve hosted some amazing romance authors all willing to have a tête-à-tête about their chart-busting number one...

Liz Fenwick: The Path To The Sea

...on Lottie as the right fit. Alex was Alex from the start, but I played around with George for a while too. Sometimes secondary characters remain nameless until right at...