Romantic Novelists' Association

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An Interview With Library Liaison Officer Laura E. James

...greeting and chatting with RNA friends and industry professionals on the night. I adore the awards. I have new boots for the occasion. What advice do you have for aspiring...

Ask An Industry Expert: Liz Gardner much passion as I adored the doyens of romance such as Woodiwiss, de Blasis and Howatch and suddenly it seemed that I had to choose between them. That legacy...

From The Chair Of The RNA…

...and online. However, we expect our members to disagree respectfully and while being mindful of the words they use, particularly online, and we should not allow ourselves to be oblivious...

Tea Leaves And Reads – Romantic Bookseller Of The Year Category

...awards celebrate the hard work and talent of any person, group or organisation who has championed the broad genre of romantic fiction in a positive way. The online bookshop and...

April 2019: Competition Monthly

...30 April Entry: £4 Details Writing Magazine Genre Mash-Up Competition Theme: Genre-defying mash up. 1,500 – 1.700 Prize: £200 plus publication in the magazine / £50 plus publication online Closing...

Leonie Mack: Italy Ever After

...the perfect summer read’ Sandy Barker Escape to the sun and head off to Italy, with the wonderfully warm and ever-so-page-turning Leonie Mack! Twitter: @LeonieMAuthor Instagram:...

August 2019: Competition Monthly

...invaluable in pinpointing areas to work on and can help you improve your writing. It’s up to you to decide whether you’re willing to take that advice. If you’re going...

May 2019: Competition Monthly

...submissions without my spreadsheets. I originally added the competition entries to the sheet for my magazine subs, but realised it was better to create a new spreadsheet especially, which I’ve...

May 2020: Competition Monthly

How is everyone’s writing going? There don’t seem to be so many competitions this month, but here are a few more to add to the list of things to do...

The Goldsboro Books Historical Romantic Novel Award

...couple of pages at a time. It was a labour of several years, widely spread out between projects, but gradually it came together, and when I had time, I edited...

Jennifer Page – The Little Board Game Cafe

...your book? What prompted you to tell this story? I’d been doing online dating for 13 years and had pretty much given up on meeting Mr Right when I met...

Meet The RNA Team – Celia Anderson

...Romantic Novel Awards, it had been in various pair of very safe hands over the years, but had recently had a revamp by Nicola Cornick’s very clever husband Andrew so...