Romantic Novelists' Association

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Celia Anderson: Behind The Scenes Of The Romantic Novel Awards

...genre and with publishing trends in general. The categories are currently the Contemporary Romantic Novel Award and the Historical Romantic Award, both sponsored by Goldsboro Books, the Debut Romantic Novel...

September 2018: Competition Monthly

...Prize for Under 35s Theme: Novel, traditional or romantic, either published in 2018 or unpublished. Prize: Total prize money £20,000, to be used for travel. Closing date: 30 November 2018...

Public Appearances Of RNA Members: 21 July To 20 August

...along for a gorgeous signed paperback and to chat all this book and historical fiction. Emma Royal writes royal historical fiction set at Buckingham Palace at the start of Queen...

New Releases: April 2022

...Ella Matthews: The Knight’s Tempting Ally Historical Romance Mills & Boon ebook 31st March 2022 A knight’s enemy Becomes his closest ally… Knight Theo Glenville will do whatever it takes...

Lynda Stacey: Romantic Suspense – Inside The Mind Of The Villain

...Ella was. This was the picture that matched my thoughts. She’s young. She’s feisty and the story begins with Ella fighting for her life. My heroine is physically broken, yet...

Ask An Industry Expert: Keshini Naidoo

...editorial work, such as check copyedits returned from freelance editors, book an external proof reader, or create the structural/initial edit covering the overarching issues that can turn a great book...