Romantic Novelists' Association

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Ann Evans: Hints & Tips For New Writers #14

...your work is. Sometimes you don’t understand your theme until the story is completed. For others, the theme might be the starting point – you know you want to write,...

The entry process

...There will be a minimum of 3 judges and a maximum of 5, comprising the current RNA Chair, and representatives from the RNA membership who support the RNA goal of...

Miss Rose And The Vexing Viscount By Catherine Tinley

...Ireland with her husband, children, cats, and dog and can be reached at, on facebook, twitter, tiktok, and instagram. Full links are here. facebook twitter tiktok instagram...

#IndieApril Author Spotlight: Karen Louise Hollis

...of being an indie author? It’s that control again. Being able to write to my own timetable, for example. I can write four books a year or a book every...

Are You Making Writing Resolutions? Should You? (and Whatโ€™s A Behag?) By Sue Moorcroft

...because I’m an annoying/driven/self-motivated/bloody minded person, I normally meet them. If I recognise that one is unachievable, because of illness for example, I move the goal. This isn’t to be...

Thank you

Thank you Thank you for application for Full Membership. We will be in touch with payment details once we have reviewed your application. If you have any questions, please email...

Thank you for your application be an associate member of the RNA. Our membership secretary will review your application and contact you shortly. If you have any questions, please contact the Member Services Officer....

Proceed to Payment

...application by following the payment link below. This will activate your membership. If you have any questions, please contact the Member Services Officer. Proceed to payment to complete your application...

Launching The RNA’s Instagram Live By Fiona Mountain

Romance Now: Fiona Mountain talks about launching the RNA’s Instagram Live Enquiries please to Hugh Dickens E-mail: Tel: +44 (0)7973 311864 I started managing the RNA’s Instagram page in...

Full membership fit?* Contemporary Commercial women’s fiction with romantic elements Romantic comedy Romantic suspense Historical Saga Regency Young Adult/Middle Grade Paranormal Fantasy Sci-Fi Commitment to romantic fiction Please provide evidence of...

An Interview With Education Officer Sonja Price

We are delighted to welcome Sonja Price, the RNA’s Education Officer, to the blog. Sonja, first of all, congratulations on your appointment to the committee! What attracted you to the...

Associate membership

...they also fall into one of the above categories. Membership costs £80/annum and includes a range of benefits. Please read the membership criteria before completing your application below. If you...