Romantic Novelists' Association

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Jennifer Page – The Little Board Game Cafe

...unavailable men and ignored the really lovely ones. Thankfully, I woke up in time and didn’t ignore Hermi when he messaged me on that app. But I could choose so...

New Releases: May 2020

...of Lily. And he doesn’t care what that is. Robert and Lily are torn apart, and the Linford family is told a lie that will have devastating consequences for years...

Katie Greenwood: A Novel Idea (which I’m loving). Can you tell us a bit about your blogging journey? I’ve been blogging for years but the platform I use has changed dramatically. The very first...

Emma Jackson: My First Six Months As A Published Author

...Mistletoe Miracle: The Devil’s Bride: You can find out news about Emma via her website, by signing up to her newsletter at or on: Twitter: @ESJackson1 Facebook:...

Sarah Swan: Sarah’s Vignettes Blog

...and chatting with authors and bloggers. In early 2017, it seemed to be a time when everyone was repeatedly ill with colds and bugs, so, laid up on the sofa,...

Hayley Thorpe: Hayley Reviews

...books. Paige Toon melts my heart and I have to mention the queen of sparkly in Miranda Dickinson her Somewhere Beyond the Sea truly spoke to me. I gather from...

Ask An Industry Expert: Lina Langlee looking for personally? I often say that I am looking for stories ‘with a lot of heart’, meaning that I want the reader to be really emotionally invested in...

Juliet Greenwood – The Ferryman’s Daughter

...was then utterly determined her five daughters would have careers, mercilessly harrying the headmaster of the local grammar school to accept them, despite only a few working class girls being...

Ann Evans: Hints & Tips For New Writers #9

...idea for a story – romance or otherwise, is always the hardest bit. Once I have the idea, the rest tends to flow naturally. But finding those ideas – that’s...

The Last Train From Paris By Juliet Greenwood

...was stalked by a German submarine. They also really brought to life the bits I caught as a child of the experiences of Mum’s French friends and family who had...

Michelle Cunliffe: Boonies123 Blog into the habit of leaving one.   What do you like to do when you’re not working or reading? My favourite programme is Poldark especially Aidan Turner. I think...

Kate Johnson: Is Your Book Cover Right For Your Readers?

...photographic images. Sometimes of a couple—usually in a clinch—and often of a man by himself, not wearing very much and looking a bit unhappy about it. Look at the UK...