Romantic Novelists' Association

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Ask An Industry Expert: Clare Wallace social media presence) Absolutely—we only work with lovely people! It’s really important to like each other and get on well. It’s a relationship of trust and so it’s crucial...

The Historical Romantic Novel Award – Finalists

...beyond thrilled that The Legacy of Halesham Hall has been nominated for the RNA Historical Romantic Novel Award, particularly as this is my first purely historical novel. It is a...

Why I Love The Winter Party By Laura James

...we are excited to convert it to a digital format accessed via a QR code. It’s not only environmentally friendly, but it allows more scope for content as we are...

The Contemporary Romantic Novel Award – Finalists

...‘I am absolutely bowled over and squealingly delighted, to the extent that, in an attempt to avoid cliches, I am inventing words like ‘squealingly’. I’m really and truly honoured to...

Liz Harris: The Lengthening Shadow

...of Robert and Lily. The second, The Flame Within, focused on Thomas and Alice, and The Lengthening Shadow, set in the 1920s and early 1930s, tells the story of Dorothy...

Lucy Morris ‘a Nun For The Viking’ top priority is usually to write at least 1,000 words. I’ve been using the ‘tomato method (as I call it)’ also known as ‘Pomodoro technique’, which is working solidly...

Alison May: Publication Days

...‘not much.’ Most of my friends and family are at work, so there’s not necessarily anyone on hand to celebrate with. And I’m deep into writing the next, or possibly...

Lara Temple – Writing Is A Solitary Business

...Kobo: Author Links: Facebook Author Page: Facebook: Twitter: Amazon author page US: Amazon author page UK: Goodreads: Website: About the Interviewer: Ruby...

RNA 60th Anniversary – How To Write Romance – Plotter Or Pantser?

...happen.” She needs to know her characters really well and then “travels hopefully into the mist.” Katie Fforde says she needs a bit of an idea where she’s going, but...

Book Blogger Interview: Nicola Smith From Short Book And Scribes for me. It also says I have a huge TBR pile so I’m sorry but acceptance is unlikely. I’m not currently taking ebooks for review as I’m much preferring...

Catherine Jones: The Little Woodford Series

...and, at the end of it, I tell them that ‘some of what I have just said is actually true’. This is largely because, as a novelist, I can’t bear...

An Interview With Podcasters Jessica Haines And Emma Jackson

...drawn to him, especially when he gave her the heads of her enemies as a gift. Emma: I absolutely adored the Folk of the Air trilogy by Holly Black. It’s...