Romantic Novelists' Association

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The Lochmore Legacy – A Scottish Castle Through The Ages.

I’m particularly delighted to welcome Janice Preston to the blog today as Janice is here not only to tell us about her new release, but to introduce a fantastic new...

RNA 60th Anniversary – How To Write Romance – Final Thoughts!

...Mansell – “I love the RNA, it’s brilliant – supportive, inclusive and incredibly welcoming. We writers do a funny old job and it’s lovely to be part of an incredible...

Hope Nicely’s Lessons for Life

The House by the Sea

Jen Gilroy – A Wish In Irish Falls

...on the RNA blog. A Wish in Irish Falls (which released in Kindle format in September 2020 with the paperback to follow in early 2021) is the sequel to The...

Lucy Keeling – Just Friends

...whole thing. But I usually work in the day and then sort out dinner for my family get my two young boys settled in bed and then finally I get...

Launching The RNA’s Instagram Live By Fiona Mountain

...folk singer and family secrets, it’s published on 2nd July.         Catherine Isaac is the author of 12 best-selling novels, nine of which were written under the...

Katie Fforde Debut Romantic Novel Award Category

...sweet tooth and loves Terry’s chocolate oranges and Irn-Bru. In her spare time, she likes to explore castles with her family, or drink bubbly with friends. A member of the...

An Interview With Alice Harandon, Manager Of St Ives Booksellers. keep on top of the social media and making sure the shop was tidy. These were what some could call the ‘boring’ bits but it was constantly changing and...

Judy Leigh – Chasing The Sun

...had to research from memory and by using the internet to remind me exactly what specific sites looked like. I really did enjoy the virtual tours of Mexico, as it’s...

Ask An Industry Expert: Julie Morris things you really don’t like. Life is definitely too short for that, and there are far too many fabulous books out there to be enjoyed! 2020 has definitely been...

Natalie Kleinman. The Reluctant Bride

...then suddenly there is. Well it was a bit like that. I came to writing entirely by accident. Having abandoned an Open University course due to illness (all fortunately resolved)...