Romantic Novelists' Association

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You Will Meet a Stranger

...releases a cascade of emotions that make her question her immediate choices and her future; not only for herself but also for Dan. Hers is a story of hope, of...

New Releases: July 2021

...Press Ebook/Kindle 8th June 2021 Scarlett’s Story: The Sequel to The Amethyst Necklace. Scarlett’s Story is an emotional, gripping historical novel, about one woman’s fight to overcome adversity, and the...

Look Up, Handsome

Quinn wants to save his bookshop, the last thing he needs is to fall in love… Hay-on-Wye’s only queer bookshop is always a hive of activity. So when it’s threatened...

The Last Bookshop In Prague

...police captain Jana can’t read at all. In a time where secrets are currency and stories can be fatal, will she know who to trust? A heart-wrenching and powerful story...

Ask An Industry Expert: Emily Ruston

...all the major publishing houses, and also with self-published authors. I’m wondering if you have found any differences between working with traditional published and Indie authors. In terms of the...

Careful What You Witch For

...a magical artefact is just as perplexing as the cheerful witch herself. When their attraction for each other grows, Becca and Connor question everything they have been taught – and...

Julie Ryan: How Much Research Do You Do?

...when I decided my books would be set. I’ve always hankered after writing a historical novel though and admire those writers who can pull it off. I was terrified that...

RNA Conference 2018: Meet The Industry Professionals – Nicola Caws

...I work with not just Historical authors, but authors writing for all the UK acquired series: so that’s Modern, Dare, Medical, True Love and of course Historical too! There’s nothing...

Ask An Industry Expert: Michael La Ronn

Today I’m delighted to welcome Michael La Ronn, Outreach Manager for The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi, pronounced al-eye). Hello and welcome, Michael. Many CONGRATULATIONS to you and all your...

Ask An Industry Expert: Clare Wallace

...London. How do you go about judging the commercial viability of a new submission, in whatever category? Character is all! That’s the motto. We are always looking for exceptional characters,...

A Wedding at the Chateau

...through and Nico’s wife-to-be is a total Bridezilla. Can she put her feelings and help plan her best friend’s wedding or will her presence cause more problems than it solves…?...

Industry Expert Interview: Kim Nash

...your writing, can follow you and that you don’t saturate your personal profile with book related posts all the time. Keep your profile page for your personal and family interactions....