Romantic Novelists' Association

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Lynn Johnson – The Potteries Girls On The Home Front

...allow a year from start to publication. This means roughly 8 months prior to handing it over to my editor. As I write historical fiction/Sagas I have lots of research...

New Writers’ Scheme

...authors to take part in all RNA activities and also submit the manuscript of a full-length novel for appraisal. The New Writers’ Scheme organiser sends each new writer a membership...

Sheila Norton – Winter At Cliff’s End Cottage

...difficulties! And I enjoyed writing the flashbacks of Stella’s early life. I’ve never been a historical author; the furthest back in history I’ve written before was the 1960s (my own...

Ask An Industry Expert: Kate Mills

...craft writing M&B—transition to mainstream commercial fiction and reach the Sunday Times bestseller lists, as have Liz Fenwick and Miranda Dickinson who also have strong roots in romantic fiction. New...

Meet The RNA Team – Annette Hannah

...external communications from the organisation across social media and other platforms. I also liaise with our events Press Officer during preparation for the awards. This year I created new banners...

Suzanne Fortin – The Forgotten Life Of Arthur Pettinger

...quite a long list of revisions too! All in all, the actual writing spanned about 2 years on and off. What is your writing day like? I try to get...

Fenella Miller: Why I Became A Historical Romance Writer.

...longer read contemporary romance, I only read historical fiction and thrillers. I didn’t want to write thrillers – too much violence – so I switched to historical romance. A year...

New Releases: June 2020

...shadows in Alex’s eyes are all too compelling for soft-hearted Kiki. She’s been let down badly before, but can Alex prove that he’s the man who will always be by...

Hints & Tips For New Writers #14

...will always be the most important element, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. * Jenni Fletcher is the author of six historical romance novels and a visiting tutor of...

Hints & Tips For New Writers #19

...Fishguard Bay Hotel, Wales Cost: £249 all inclusive   Residential courses run by Alison May and Janet Gover Time to write in peaceful surroundings, unhampered by distractions. Our retreats are...

Blogger Interview: Elaine Brent: Splashes Into Books I like an eclectic mix of genres of books, science fiction, fantasy, historical, adventures, crime, mysteries, chicklit, romances, paranormal . . . as well as children’s books. I’ll be...

Lynda R Edwards – Friendship Estate

...Edwards. He is and will always be my last word. Without giving too much away, what was the hardest part of the book to write? The book is set in...