Romantic Novelists' Association

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Ask An Industry Expert: Anna Davis

...But the course is also rich with insider tips, and features Jenny’s personal experiences and her individual take on the genre – and I’d suggest this means it also suits...

Honno, Independent Women’s Press By Judith Barrow

...from online promotional events to special offers, bicycle delivery, subscription boxes and individual recommendations/newsletters, purchase incentives and even unique special editions… What kind of support is needed for an independent...

Launching RNA Learning

...more online courses available in the Autumn. The development of RNA Learning also enhances the RNA’s commitment to widen participation as courses are accessible to people who can’t make physical...

An Interview With Library Liaison Officer Laura E. James

...library, say hello, introduce yourself and ask if they are open to hosting events with local authors. I’ve introduced myself at my local libraries (pre-pandemic), taken a copy of one...

Ask An Industry Expert: Liz Gardner

...partnership with the local Children’s Centre to encourage families to read with their children. Celebrities reading stories was big on TV at the time and feedback from local parents suggested...

February 2020: Competition Monthly

...of $5,000 then in each category: $1,000 / $500 / $250 / $100 / $50 / 5 x $25. All first places published online. Closing date: 4 May 2020 Entry:...

Independent Bookshop Week

...week and many have been trading online during the lockdown. So even if you can’t visit…you can order for delivery or for collection. Some bookshop are even doing a local...

Marketing & Me By Suzanne Snow

...‘local’ feel to appeal to potential local readers. Anna was a great support leading up to my first online book launch and agreed to act as host, guiding me through...

Caroline Day – Hope Nicely’s Lessons For Life

...of us. As a freelance journalist and consultant editor, balancing working from home with bringing up two children, I have always veered between believing that, clever me, I’d chosen the...

Hodder & Stoughton Announce The Takeaway Girl As Winner Of Love At First Line Writing Prize

...written her autobiography A Child of the East End, about growing up in post-war Stepney and Wapping. A long-standing member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, she is now also the...

Clare London: Zest – An Accidental Baker Story

...accidentally brought new romance to four gay men. All very different, all at different stages of their life, but all in need of some loving care. I enjoyed writing The...

Competition Monthly: May 2021

...all published online and professional recording made Closing date: 27 June 2021 Entry: £8 Details Audio Arcadia Short Story Competition Theme: Open, 5,000 max Prizes: Publication in an anthology (paperback...