Romantic Novelists' Association

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Julie Ryan: How Much Research Do You Do?

...when I decided my books would be set. I’ve always hankered after writing a historical novel though and admire those writers who can pull it off. I was terrified that...

Nicola Cornick: Escape To An Intriguing Past

...much more sensual historical romance came in and now, slowly, we’re seeing a return in popularity of the traditional books alongside the others. It’s also great to see that LGBTQ...

RNA Conference 2018: Meet The Industry Professionals – Nicola Caws

...I also count fictional characters as real people…   *   Thanks so much, Nicola, for taking the time to answer these questions for us. Enjoy the conference!    ...

Ask An Industry Expert: Michael La Ronn

Today I’m delighted to welcome Michael La Ronn, Outreach Manager for The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi, pronounced al-eye). Hello and welcome, Michael. Many CONGRATULATIONS to you and all your...

Ask An Industry Expert: Clare Wallace

...voice is critical, which runs alongside character. I also want to feel things when I read—up the stakes—make me cry! I love an unusual premise or a hook I haven’t...

A Wedding at the Chateau

...through and Nico’s wife-to-be is a total Bridezilla. Can she put her feelings and help plan her best friend’s wedding or will her presence cause more problems than it solves…?...

Industry Expert Interview: Kim Nash

...your writing, can follow you and that you don’t saturate your personal profile with book related posts all the time. Keep your profile page for your personal and family interactions....

Finalists: The Fantasy Romantic Novel Award 2024

Congratulations to all the finalists in the Fantasy Romantic Novel Award! For romantic novels with elements where the reader needs to suspend disbelief, including magical realism, fantasy, science fiction, the...

Sue Fortin – Blending Romance And Suspense

...of conflict on both a personal and professional level. As such, I was continually looking at ways to blend the romantic and suspense elements to keep the story moving forwards...

New Releases: October 2019

...Stacey: The Fake Date Psychological Thriller Ruby Fiction Paperback 3rd October 2019 Nine hours and eleven minutes … That’s how long it’s been since Ella Hope was beaten to within...

Love Is An Art By Kathy Strobos

...I thought it was done and I should submit a different novel to the New Writer’s Scheme. I wrote my second novel while still querying Partner Pursuit. Meanwhile, my critique...

The House at Angel’s Beach

...she thought she knew is called into question. The anonymous letters reveal a heartbreaking love story that force Ivy to rethink the terrible night that tore her family apart. And...