Romantic Novelists' Association

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Ask An Industry Expert: Rachel Gilbey

...I managed to get an internship, which allowed me a chance to start to flex my blog tour organising muscles and after a great deal of procrastination, I finally set...

The Secret Daughter of Venice

...All her life, she has felt like an outsider in her wealthy adoptive family, who refuse to answer any questions about her past. But the drawings spark a forgotten memory:...

A Highlander to Protect Her Even though his own quest to uncover his family’s past could put both their clans in danger… But what’s more dangerous is the all-consuming attraction between them, which is...

Sasha Greene & Nancy Peach – Dealing With Difficult Topics In Romance

...for Love Life has proved controversial, but it also remains a central hook of the novel and makes it unique. What I needed was an agent and a publisher who...

Ann Evans: Hints & Tips For New Writers #5

Writers are always being told to ‘write about what you know’. But I’ve always thought that if we stuck too rigidly to that idea, we’d never write anything. I’m more...

Ask An Industry Expert: Hattie Grunewald

...always have a pretty large TBR pile. I love psychological thrillers and contemporary YA when I really want to unwind. I also listen to audiobooks all the time – often...

Ask An Industry Expert: Kate Mills

...craft writing M&B—transition to mainstream commercial fiction and reach the Sunday Times bestseller lists, as have Liz Fenwick and Miranda Dickinson who also have strong roots in romantic fiction. New...

New Releases: March 2023

...Historical Romance Heywood Press Paperback and ebook 1st March 2023 Simla 1932. Time doesn’t always heal…             Lynn Johnson: The Potteries Girls on the Homefront...

Left Brain, Right Brain, Write Brain!

...a tricky issue needing resolved, that’s when we always pick up the phone and talk until we come up with an answer. Marguerite: Which we always do, in the end....

Julie Stock – Starting Over At The Vineyard In Alsace

...role. I’ve also spent many holidays in France, and particularly in Alsace, so the idea of setting a series of stories in a fictional vineyard in Alsace seemed perfect! As...

Conference Speakers: Julia Boggio, Podcasting On Saturday 11:30-12:30

...said something stupid? The usual carousel of self-doubt circled through my head. It can be daunting to put yourself out there because, as writers, we all know that once you...

Book Marketing with Heart & Creativity

...awkward or even ‘selling out’. We can also have preconceived ideas about what marketing should look like – polished and professional, oozing with confidence and dare we say it, maybe...