Romantic Novelists' Association

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Shorter Romantic Novel Award Category

...plans … Instagram: @mcbookiemonster Twitter: @mcbookiemonster Facebook: Louise Allen – A Proposal to Risk Their Friendship Louise is the author of over seventy historical romances and several history...

The Sapere Books Popular Romantic Fiction Award

...special Hannah Smith at Aria and, as always, my lovely agent Anne Williams at KHLA An interesting story: SING ME A SECRET was inspired by my own venture into musical...

Elaine Spires

...inundated with people’s memories. They’re a great bunch of people. I also Googled some years for local and national and international events then for the 90s onwards I was back...

New Releases: September

...the Santa Ahoy Special for a festive boat ride along the canal!         Tania Crosse: The Gunpowder Girl Saga Joffe Books E-book & paperback 16 September 2020...

Ann Evans: Hints & Tips For New Writers #7

...corner. And best of all, if you can see a vague outline of your story, especially for a book or serial, it’s not quite such a daunting prospect to get...

Ann Evans: Hints & Tips For New Writers #9

...Ann Evans writes romance under the name of Ann Carroll, she also writes thrillers, books for children, YA and reluctant readers. She is also a freelance feature writer for various...

Hints And Tips For New Writers #1

...  Ann Evans writes romance under the name of Ann Carroll, she also writes thrillers, books for children, YA and reluctant readers. She is also a freelance feature writer for...

Caroline Day – Hope Nicely’s Lessons For Life

...real in my head, I realised that this would give meaning to her story. FASD is a lifelong neuro-developmental condition caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. It will impact different individuals...

Hodder & Stoughton Announce The Takeaway Girl As Winner Of Love At First Line Writing Prize

...year. She has received several accolades already including reaching the final of Funny Women ’22 as well as being a semi-finalist in British Comedian of the Year 2022. She was...

Liam Livings: “romance Is A Little Parcel Of Happiness” all, lose it all, and then get it all back again. Category romances – Penny Jordan, Carol Marinelli, Sharon Kendrick, Liz Fielding, Annie O’Neil. I always used to turn...

New Releases: October 2021 Icelandic volcano erupts before Christmas canceling all flights, she’s left stranded in London with Julian Halliwell, a holiday-loving black cab driver who won’t shut up about carollers and tinsel....

Suzanne Fortin – The Forgotten Life Of Arthur Pettinger

...quite a long list of revisions too! All in all, the actual writing spanned about 2 years on and off. What is your writing day like? I try to get...